Stephen Tabori DMD LLC


Disclaimer of Stephen Tabori,D.M.D. LLC Stephen Tabori, D.M.D. expressly disclaims all warranties and responsibilities of any kind, whether express or implied, for the accuracy or reliability of the content of any information contained in this Web Site, and for the suitability, results, effectiveness or fitness for any particular purpose of the services, procedures, advice or treatments referred to herein, such content and suitability,etc., being sole responsibility of parties other than Stephen Tabori D.M.D. LLC and the reliance upon or use of same by you is at your own independent discretion and risk.

  1. Take a first step in feeling good and looking great with brighter, whiter teeth in less than an hour. Zoom! is safe, effective and very fast.
  2. A clinical study performed by Loma Linda University on the effect of whitening gel on tooth enamel, confirmed that Zoom is safe!
  3. The complete procedure takes less than an hour. The procedure begins with a preparation period followed as little as by 45 minutes of bleaching.